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Mon, 22 Jan 2001 11:16:36 EST
Barbro Wolff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (16 lines)
After 2 months of on and off diarrhea Stormy is finally better.  Yeah!
We were getting really desperate, because nothing seemed to work.  Tried
medications, but as soon as she went of them the diarrhea and slime started
again.  Tried the chicken baby food, that made it even worse.  About 3
weeks ago I changed her food from 8 in 1 Ultimate to Science Diet for
cats with sensitive stomachs and Stormy has been getting better every day.
Solid poops for the first time in ages :-)
Now to the other part of my post.  Storm is scared to death of the vacuum
cleaner.  She hides in her cage in one of her tunnels and goes completely
limp.  When I take her out she just lays on my arm and it takes her a
couple of minutes until she starts moving again.  Is there anything I can
do to show her that even though it's loud nothing is going to happen to
her?  Even if I put her in a different room she hears it and still panics.
[Posted in FML issue 3306]