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Sun, 21 Jan 2001 02:46:27 EST
Crystal Hughes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
I'm new to the list and, I guess I should say now, let the flaming begin.
I'm an adult and more than capable of handling it.  But, everyone has
their opinion.  If someone is that much against Kista, they must have good
reason.  People that feel they should call their lawyer about every bad
word said against them aren't worth the time of day.  I have heard my
fair share of bad gossip about every shelter/rescue out there, including
shelters in question.  Although not all should be taken to heart, some
should.  Maybe this person knows something we don't and maybe they don't
know what they're talking about.  But shouldn't we hear their side of the
story before we judge?  I personally would like to hear their side of the
story before things are turned over to "a legal matter" and I hope that the
money for a lawyer is not being taken from ferret related donations since
this seems to somewhat be a personal matter.  Since I have been involved
with ferrets it seems that I have heard more about politics between states
and shelters than the well being of ferrets and I'm just about sick of it.
What about these ferrets that are out there?  They get pushed aside because
of personal differences and I'm fed up.  Personalities aren't what's
important here.  That's not why shelters get started.  Everyone should help
everyone else because it helps the ferrets in the end.  Who cares what
other people think of you if you are making a positive difference.  But,
if others think badly of you because of legitimate reasons, then open your
eyes, realize your faults, and move to improve yourself.  Don't fall behind
the whiny "I'm going to call my lawyer" crap.  That's such an American
cliche, there's no meaning behind it anymore.  And, once again, let the
flaming begin.  I've already prepared for it before this email had ever
been written.
[Moderator's note: I'm not disagreeing per se, though please be aware
that the person who wanted to post the original allegations has asked
that the post be withdrawn since his/her questions had been answered
satisfactorily.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3305]