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Sun, 14 Jan 2001 10:59:51 -0500
Brian and Lisa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (18 lines)
Hi Folks,
I was hoping I could get some info from you good ferret people.  My 4 1/2
year old Chamois has an enlarged spleen.  My Vet says it is nothing without
other symtoms.  He is playing and eating and pooping fine.  He may get
tired a little more easily.  Back in September we went through ECE.  I took
in a one year old who apparantly carried ECE and spread it to my three fur
kids.  Chamois had thinning hair up until late November and my vet and I
were concerned about Adrenal Disease, (he calls it cushings disease)but
didn't want to rush because of the stress of being him being ill.  In late
November Chamoi's hair started coming back.  He is a silver that turned
into a white.  His new coat is coming in thick.  What signs should I be
looking for?  Why is his spleen enlarged?  Also, his hair thinned
gradually, and came back gradually.  Should I be worried??
Thanks in advance,
Lisa and her fur kids, Sneak 8 1/2, Chamois 4 1/2 and Panda 1 1/2
[Posted in FML issue 3298]