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Wed, 10 Jan 2001 23:25:33 -0800
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (96 lines)
>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: NPR and Sukie's comments
>Who are you, One Sock?  Do we old-timers know you by a different name?<
This is exactly what I was referring to when I stated that "personal"
issues were fueling your disagreement with my original post about Bob the
host.  This just strengthens the idea that you had some problems with what
I had to say about Modern Ferret's distribution problems when they were
originally brought up.  Sukie was very angry with something I once posted
about Modern Ferret and started to tell me that Ferrets Magazine does
nothing for the ferret community and she actually went as far as telling
me that even some of the authors who are also FMLers, have been angry at
Ferrets Magazine for changing their submittals and taking free editorial
privledges with their articles.  You can be sure that I sent that email to
the editor of Ferrets Magazine for verification.  I also asked some of the
authors if this were true, and I was told "absolutely not".  Anyone who
does not believe me, can request this email, privately.
It appears that Sukie will defend Mary and Eric and also Modern Ferret to
no end and once again "personal" issues take place in her judgement.  She
is now defending Bob Garfield's style and states that he likes ferrets and
was compassionate towards her when Meteetse died.
I have enjoyed many of Sukie's posts and have agreed with many things she
says, but I feel it is necessary for her to step back and look at things
from an unbiased perspective without "personal" feelings getting in the
way.  Every time I have posted ANYTHING (good or bad) that has anything to
do with Modern Ferret, she has come back at me in disagreement.  This is
ridiculous for anyone to do.  Whatever your "personal" feelings are, you
still need to remain unbiased and logical.  I stated the obvious about
radio broadcasting and I am sorry if it offended you.  Hopefully, you are
not also jumping on the "I love NPR" bandwagon because of how Bob Garfield
treated you when Meteetse passed.  NPR has some good points, but so do MANY
other broadcasters.  I based my perspective on the fact that another NPR
listener (my office associate and HUGE NPR fan) who heard the broadcast,
and does not even like ferrets, felt that Bob (who she likes) was rude.
Apparently, she did not get his style and she listens regularly.
"Listens regularly" is an understatement, she listen ALL THE TIME.
Sukie and I had disagreements over Modern Ferret, and I truly feel this is
why she posted what she did.  Again, I think Mary and Eric did a great job!
I also believe that there is room for more than one publication in this
world, and if their is an audience, great.  As I also stated previously, I
am sure that Modern Ferret will someday be back on the store shelves.  I am
not a supporter of the publication, but I do hope that they can continue
because many I know like it.
Also, I sent my post in on Monday morning and got a message that it was
rec'd by BIG, so I do not understand what took so long for it to get on the
FML.  Sukie must special abilities to be able to respond to a post prior to
it appearing on the FML, because I certainly did not cc: her on it.  I only
sent it to BIG and cannot understand why it did not get posted that evening
and how Sukie could respond to something that hadn't even been posted.
BIG: I hope that you are giving everyone else on the FML this same
privledge.  I see many disagreements, but the person responding is not able
to respond until the post has actually hit the FML.  Is this something new?
I was not aware of it nor did you inform me of this.  This could certainly
become time consuming for you if every time someone disagrees with someone
else, you send it to the party to respond before it posts.  Is it just
Sukie who is privy to this treatment?  It does not change anything, but it
looks very much like you are favoring her.
As far as being an "old-timer", does that give one special considerations
and privledges?  It should not.
Normally, I feel BIG does a great job, but cannot help but feel that he
was favoring Sukie by sending my email to her, letting her respond and
then posting them together.  My post did not call her names, swear, or do
anything except respond to her obvious attack of my first post.  I am
direct so maybe I did not "fluff" my post as much I should have.  I think
the opening line of her response (see above) really shows how "personal"
feelings can cloud one's judgement on topics.
Again, Sukie has made some great posts and I have agreed with her on many
issues, but I don't let my "personal" feelings cloud my judgement.  If
someone makes a good point, I keep an open mind, provided that it makes
sense and that they have plenty of experience on the topic.  Heck, I have
even agreed with Bill Killian on occasion, but shhhhh, don't tell him.
I would like to put this topic to rest.  I never intended it to escalate to
this level, and I am sorry that I ever posted anything about the broadcast.
However, I am NOT sorry I commended Mary and Eric, they really did do a
good job.
[Moderator's note: Yes, I forwarded your post to Sukie for her comments.
No special treatment was given -- I frequently forward posts which are
targeted to an individual to that individual for comment so that the
post and the reply can appear in the same FML.  Having both sides out
in the open at once greatly cuts down on "me too" posts from people who
attempt to speculate without having all the facts.
Do I ALWAYS do this?  No.  Sometimes I decide it is a matter best left
to the individuals.  Other times I simply don't have the time to forward
posts.  But special treatment?  No.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3297]