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Sat, 13 Jan 2001 02:27:52 EST
Sue Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
I spoke with the vet today about Jonesy.  Tried to get in to see him, but
he was booked.  He did call me this evening though.  He told me to use
neosporin on Jonesys back.  Jonesy's back is all scabbed between the front
legs--about quarter size from all the scratching of the itches..  I tried
to find Calendula Cream, but all I could find contained alcohol.  I have
been using udder cream which gives relief of the itch for about an hour.
Poor little guy also has a sore on his ear from scratching.  Says he is
already of steroids, so no need to apply a topical one.  Says too, that
the itch is not from allergic reaction..(as if I didn't know that).  He
also warned me that he could become very agressive towards the other
ferrets in the cage.  Told me to keep his nails short which I already do.
He told me that the itching is from "dry skin".  Jonesys skin does not
appear to be dry.  I asked some questions I wish I had not asked.  Seems
like the tumors will spread to his little liver and finally to the
prostate.  That seems to be the time I will need to think about helping
him cross.  Vet says that could be a year or two yet tho if I am lucky.
ME lucky?  This is not about me!  He said as long as he keeps eating we are
doing ok.  Told him that Jonesy only eats Hills AD and duck soup when he is
held and fed.  (He will eat it from dish as long as you hold dish and hold
him).  Does not eat kibble anymore.  Spoiled maybe?  Says if the prostate
becomes enlarged, we could put him on meds to shrink it and then do some
surgery, but prognosis is not good at that point and that he could die
while we wait for the prostate to shrink enough for the surgery to be
done..  He continues to discourage surgery..says you can never get all
the tumors on the pancreas so will only prolong things and that they will
continue to grow back..
I really do - did like this vet, but am not liking what I am hearing.  I am
angry at him too.  I kept telling him about the adrenal symptoms Jonesy was
having months ago..agressiveness, atypical hair loss.  He ignored it and
dismissed it.  He has discouraged surgery from day one of the insulinoma.
Now the tumors have traveled to his adrenals and who knows where else.  He
also said there are no medicines for adrenal disease..that the ones out
there don't work.  He said that it is the insulinoma that is life
threatening not adrenal disease.  Said that ferrets can live a good life
bald, and can even grow their hair back.  Tried to tell him that that is
NOT the issue..his health is.  I have been trying to get his prednisolone
changed to pediapred for months now, but he likes prednisolone..even though
it contains alcohol.  We tried Proglycem, but Jonesy cannot tolerate it.
Even a drop of it makes him go unresponsive.
I called another vet today.  Have heard that she is ferret knowledgeable..
but she was booked and will be out of town for the next two weeks starting
Monday.  I do think I will pursue this one when she gets back and see what
she has to say.  I feel so helpless!  I guess I am just looking for
emotional support, good advise and someone to tell me I am not a bad
ferret mommy for believing the vet.
Jonesy and the group of furballs
[Posted in FML issue 3297]