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Tue, 9 Jan 2001 19:54:01 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
Who are you, One Sock?  Do we old-timers know you by a different name?
In fact, I considered One Sock's comments a valid take on the broadcast,
but also considered my impression a valid one, especially since I knew --
through Bob Garfield having been upset over Meeteetse's death -- that he
likes ferrets, and because I am a long-time NPR listener and know his
teasing style.  Can understand that to some it might not seem gentle
teasing, but being used to his reports it sure seemed like that to me.
Different strokes, that's all.
Also, I do think that he does his job well.  The interviewee's job is
to present the case but the interviewer's is to draw in the audience.
National Public Radio news reporters are the best in the nation, and
widely sought by other news sources; to reach this pinnacle they have
to know their jobs exceedingly well.
I suspect that everyone who is going to listen to the broadcast has already
done so.  I also suspect that there are as many varying opinions as there
are listeners!  Some will be more like One Sock's and some will be more
like mine, but very likely most will disagree with both of us -- either to
the side of one or the other, or between us.  That's fine.  The world would
be a boring place if everyone agreed.  By sharing different takes on things
and being willing to listen we all learn, and that's where the fun is.
It's not worth getting one's nose out of joint about something as natural
as different people having different perspectives, or trying to push a
single dimension in areas with a lot of room for varying perspectives; if
I had a nickle for every time someone disagreed with me... (and everyone
can say the exact same thing which is why we all can laugh about those
[Posted in FML issue 3293]