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Fri, 29 Dec 2000 22:15:59 -0600
Tracy Jose <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
>From:    Amy
>Subject: scratched eye?
>Last night Jason noticed Miya squinting her right eye.  We cannot see any
>abrasion, but it could be under her eyelid.  She was squinting again this
>morning, and Jason said when it's darker in their room she doesn't squint
>as much, like the light is bothering her.  I am going to call the vet
>today, but wanted to post in case anyone has some input.
Amy, I just wanted to let you know that my Chico just had the same problem
a few weeks ago.  I went to open the fuzzies cage to let them out and he
came out but was squinting in his right eye and couldn't open it.  I too
noticed that the light seemed to bother him somewhat.  I got so nervous and
it looked so painful because he had a few tears coming out of it.  What I
first thought is that maybe he got some fuzz in it or something.  I tried
looking at it, but couldn't see anything.  Well, he was playing for about
an hour (still pretty active...his eye didn't seem to bother him too much),
and then he wanted to go lay down for a nap.  After three hours, he got up
and was walking around and I noticed all of a sudden that his eye was
completely better.
I think he had some kind of fuzz or debris in his eye and it washed itself
out.  Maybe you can ask your vet if there are any type of eye drops you can
try putting in to wash out any debris that might be bothering Miya's eye.
If that doesn't work....you should consider a vet visit to check for
damage.  Good luck and keep us posted. :-)
>I did notice something interesting...one of our newer fuzzies, Pepper,
>is rather aggressive when it comes to eating...he will chirp and bark
>if other ferts are trying to "share" the food bowl.  I actually had to
>separate him from the others so they could eat in peace.
Julie - I had to laugh when I read this because it is so coincidental that
I too have a ferret whose name is also Pepe' (Pepper) who does the same
thing.  She is a very vocal ferret at all times, when she's playing,
sleeping and eating....she makes the cutest noises.  When she is eating her
treats and cheweasel is when she especially barks, hisses & chirps at the
others to back off.  She is just trying to protect "her stash".  She thinks
she is the alpha fuzzy in my group, but actually Tango will put her in her
place....she is next in line.  :-) When she eats her regular food, she will
eat by herself...she won't go to the bowl unless they are all gone, so I
usually put some of her kibble by her favorite hidey spot where she loves
to eat alone.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I had the best Christmas present...
my Roo (aka RooBear) came out of her adrenal surgery just fine and is doing
wonderful!  It was so worth the 3 hour trip to visit Dr. Streigel who is
very ferret knowledgeable and has done many of these surgeries!
Warmy fuzzy hugs and kisses from me and my crew for the New Year!
Tracy J.
Tango, Chico, Roo, Pepe', Spunky & Leah
[Posted in FML issue 3282]