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Sun, 19 Nov 2000 21:48:22 PST
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
I am so angry to read that now Lisette is leaving the FML, and apparently
for the same reasons I decided to leave (and did for a period of time).
What is wrong with certain people on this list?  Lisette is a good person
who posts her opinions and does NOT deserve to be harassed publicly or
privately.  The FML just lost another good person who has lots of
knowledge.  Way to go!  Those of you who drove her away with your
harassment, should feel so proud.  What an accomplishment.  In fact, now
that she is gone, I am sure you will simply pick another person to hurt.
I just do not understand it, nor will I ever.  Can't people refrain from
sending hurtful emails to other people's private accounts?  Shame on anyone
who took part in this.
As for Reverend Sims, I am not religious, but I do feel you are entitled
to your opinions and I know that when you do post prayers, etc...it is in
kindness, not maliciousness.  Sorry that these people cannot see that.  I
do and I know you have comforted many FMLers.  Please keep doing things the
way you feel comfortable.  You obviously have a big heart and love ferrets.
The God you worship has nothing to do with that fact.  I commend you.
I think many on this list could benefit from walking away for a day BEFORE
they throw some angry, hurtful post out there.  We all make mistakes, but
without learning from them, they are bound to repeat.  Please have some
consideration for the feelings of others.  Disgree CIVILLY.
Thanks to BIG for all his hard work.  He is not in an easy position and
probably feels like the Director and Producer of a soap opera.  That leads
me to an idea....FerretTV is cool so why not take it one step further -
FerretSoaps.  Will Charlie the ferret confess to stealing the sock, will
Tevo the ferret ever stop digging up carpet?  Tune in every day to see on
"Guiding Ferretvite" he,he,he,he.
[Posted in FML issue 3242]