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Sat, 28 Apr 2001 03:17:27 -0400
April Armstrong <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
Hi.  You can go to the WWF's (not the wrestling one) website and send
prepared letters re: Black-footed ferret conservation to various folks via
email and fax.  I have aleady done so, and here is some updated info from
their site re: BFFs:
"P.S. The Bureau of Land Management is listening to your messages opposing
its policy of allowing the shooting of prairie dogs, the primary food of
the endangered black-footed ferret.  Referring to the many messages his
agency has received, a BLM official quoted in the "Billings Gazette" in
Montana said the campaign was elevating BLM's awareness.  "And that's
good," he added.  On another front, your pleas to Congress for support
for legislation to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil
drilling have helped increase the number of House cosponsors to 136.
Thank you.  If you haven't taken either of these two actions, please do
so today!"
[Posted in FML issue 3402]