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Wed, 18 Apr 2001 12:03:10 -0700
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
>From:    Especially Ferrets <[log in to unmask]>Subject: Salute
>Do you euthanize your autistic child?  How about that broken arm or leg
>you had as a child.  How about granpa's arthritis?  How about granma when
>she had a stroke and couldn't even feed herself anymore?  Don't think it
>hurts?  Ask any cancer survivor or bypass patient!  Pain is a sense just
>as pleasure is and to be alive to experience it is a miracle in itself.
>To take that away from your family member in not right.  To let them go
>in their own time is loving, and divine.
>I have been reading so much lately of families who just easily end it for
>their little fuzzies when there is still plenty of time.  I ask, spend the
>time and the money, you may suffer a bit more and cry more, but you will
>never ever ask yourself, "did it end too soon?"
Did anyone else get upset when reading this post?  It certainly made me
cry.  I like Ferretguy and respect his opinions, but his post was very
upsetting to me and I strongly disagree.
I let my first ferret die on his own with no assistance.  The vet told me
that he was in pain, but I could not do it.  In hindsight, I let him suffer
in extreme pain (obvious pain) for two extra days.  That is the one thing I
regret.  We cannot communicate (language-wise) with animals and it is not
fair when we are faced with such decisions.  In a sense, we are playing God
with them.  I truly believe that if an animal is in obvious severe pain, it
is better to put them down (provided your vet says "no chance").  Quality
of life is very important.  I also come from the belief that humans should
also be allowed to die with dignity.  Unfortunately the government does not
feel this way.  Watching someone in constant pain, who is just waiting for
that peaceful moment is agonizing, especially when the patient has "checked
out" and wishes to be at peace.  I have gone through this with humans - the
patient wishing that they could have assistance across.  BTW - arthritus
and a broken arm are things that are not terminal and can be controlled
with medication.  I don't know about autism.  Those were poor examples.
Recently, I put a ferret down, and although I miss him terribly, I know
deep in my heart that I made the right decision.  Nobody should have to
endure terminal pain.
I certainly am not advocating putting a ferret down if it can improve and
has a good chance at a pain-free amount of remaining time.  If a vet tells
you that your ferret is in pain and will not be able to be helped with
treatment, it leaves you to making a major decision.  None of this is easy
or cut and dry, but I really think the above post probably affected those
of us who have been faced with this, feeling hurt and questioning the
decision that was made.
Again, I like Ferretguy and respect his opinons, but this post just set me
back, and now I am crying.  Each incident is individual, and what you elect
to do is your choice.  Those of you who have had to put a ferret down, know
it is very difficult, and having made such a decision, it is even harder
when someone comes along and says you made the wrong one.
I guess what I am trying to say is that this post really hurt and was not
necessary.  As a human, one must accept reality and be logical.  Letting an
animal suffer in pain, with no chance, is something I will never do again.
Until you deal with someone who is terminal and in pain and really wants
to die, it would be difficult to understand.
Yes, those that put a ferret down for reasons other than the ferret not
having a chance at a pain-free life such as "the ferret smells, I don't
have time for it, I cannot afford the vet bills, I am moving, etc..." make
me angry.  I don't think that is what Ferretguy is implying here.
[Posted in FML issue 3392]