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Mon, 26 Mar 2001 23:31:06 EST
Danee DeVore <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Several people have written to me privately, and at least one person
commented on this list, that the $20.00 a month foster fee I suggested for
the ADV+ ferrets in shelters was pricey.  Yes, it may be.  But, as I said,
there are probably additional medical expenses to be expected with an ADV+
ferret.  I am not a shelter, and I do not know what price breaks, if any,
they might get on food, medical care, and other day to day items needed in
the care of these ferrets.  I had hoped that some of the people currently
operating ADV+ shelters would write and comment on whether or not this type
of a program would help them, and also on what would be a reasonable foster
At this time, a program of this nature is of no direct benefit to me,
although I would certainly participate by being a sponsor of an ADV+ ferret
that is in a shelter.  What I was hoping to accomplish, besides providing
some help for the ADV+ shelters, was to stimulate some thought and
discussion about how this situation can be dealt with.  Things are in no
way at an epidemic proportion yet, and hopefully they will never be.  But I
don't think it is wise to wait until they are.  If we all put our heads
together and come up with ideas, we can get safeguards in place before a
crisis develops.  In addition to knowing of 6 shelters that have had to
close their doors as shelters and become havens for ADV+ ferrets, I know of
many more shelters that have already closed their doors, or are preparing
to close, because they are afraid of bringing ADV into their homes.  Other
shelters would like to test all their ferrets, but because of numbers, can
not afford to do so.  These are problems that need to be dealt with.
I have always found the people on this list to be, for the most part, eager
and willing to get involved and help work through problems that face the
ferret community.  Everyone, please prove that this is still the case.
[Posted in FML issue 3369]