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Wed, 14 Mar 2001 10:01:32 -0500
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Well it appears that Schnapps did such a good job as a model for Ferretwise
that they called back for another photo shoot to promote their awesome
hammocks on ebay.
Check it out for yourself
Now can you really blame Ferretwise?  Just go look at how stunning his coat
is.  The way his eyes just capture you and say you want this hammock, baby!
The way those pearly whites glisten, (just between you and me those aren't
caps) He really does know how to carry him.  He is the full package!
I just feel bad for poor Jerimiah, but don't worry Schnapps is giving him
tips, getting him ready for the spotlight.
But let's get back to the real issue at hand.  We all need to bid on this
hammock and raise money for the shelter!  I am challenging everyone on the
FML to bid on this.  I have never met someone with a bigger heart than
Alicia-she makes the most wonderful hammocks and stays up until all hours
taking care of the ferrets and sewing.  To be a shelter mom you definately
have to have a heart of gold, she does and then some.  I just want to raise
some money for her shelter.  Let's all start bidding.
Schnapps here- gotta be qik while she isnt lo0kn.  I think mom is loosn
over this Jerimiah thing and me.  moms gone Loco, but dont tell her i
said that - oops gotta go here she comes
[Posted in FML issue 3357]