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Tue, 20 Feb 2001 22:33:46 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi all
I really hope someone can give me some insight on my ferret Io.
Io is a 5 year old spay female that had successful adrenal surgery 3 years
ago.  At that time, the vet who removed her adrenal gland thought she saw
"suspicious" growths on the pancreas but they were too small to be sure and
nothing was removed.  In the past few months, Io developed a "pot belly"
that I thought was a normal aging thing and ignored for a bit.  ( when I
first adopted her, she had such a belly, so it seemed reasonable)  However,
I took her to the vet for an x-ray to make sure and it was in fact
water/fluid in the abdominal cavity.  The xray showed a perfect heart ( as
much as an x-ray can) with absolutely no indication of cardiomyopia (sp?),
which was what I was worried about.  My vet feels that this is a sign of
lymphomna and gave her a shot of cortizon.  The cortizne has definately
decreased the fluid retention in 3 days.  However in all the research I
have done, the fluid in the abdominal cavity doesn't seem to fit with
Lymphomnia.  I DESPERATELY need help if there is another possible
diagnosis, or f indeed this is a sympton of the disease.  If anyone has
any ideas at allplease let me know.  I recently lost her cage mate and
can't go through that again so soon.
Please e-mail me  directly at io@interlog,com
Thank you all so much.
[Posted in FML issue 3335]