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Mon, 19 Feb 2001 15:44:50 -0600
Troy Lynn Eckart <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
A true story of what can happen without the FML -
I received a call from someone who believed her ferret was dying.  I
stopped at the stores and got what I needed and went to her home.  She was
right, her ferret was dying, from starvation.  She had two ferrets, one
was on death's bed, the other not far behind.  We lost the little girl
but found a wonderful, loving home for the little boy.  It's still touch
and go for him.
If this person had been subscribed to the FML these ferrets would have been
better off and the little girl may still be alive and they both may have
been healthy, happy ferrets instead of suffering through a torturous year
(oh yeah, did I forget to say they were just about 1 yr old).
Let's think about the positive power of the FML.
If it wasn't for the FML I would not have learned about ECE and what to do
for it (thank you to all, including Dr. Williams and Dr. Willard, and all
the individuals that answered our questions or posted previously on ECE).
If it wasn't for the FML I wouldn't have known that my love and caring of
ferrets is NOT unhealthy or insane and that I'm NOT alone.
If it wasn't for the FML I wouldn't have 'met' some wonderful caring people
that I consider close and dear friends.
If it wasn't for the FML I wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn and
then to be able to share with others what I had learned.
If it wasn't for the FML I wouldn't have had the valuable advice of vets
and individuals to share with my vet to help him learn.
This list can go on and on, but the most important part is that even
through all the discord, the FML has been a life saver for many ferrets
and their caretakers, and the good of the list, for me, outweighs the bad.
Whenever I get frustrated with the negative/rude posts, I consider that
there are 3000+ people on this mailing list and the percentage of 'bad'
posts is very small comparatively.  I try to look at the bigger picture.
I try not to let one bad apple spoil the entire basket of apples.  After
all, it's the ferrets that may suffer the most when someone leaves the FML.
It's sad that people feel the need to leave, and we miss out on their
contributions whether they are of professional or general nature.  The
medical posts by Dr. Williams and other vets are extremely valuable.
Thank you for taking the time to help us in our times of need.
Hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our charity
[Moderator's note: I can top that.  If it wasn't for the FML I wouldn't
have met Troy Lynn!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3334]