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Sun, 18 Feb 2001 01:53:12 -0500
Andrea Franzini <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (27 lines)
first order of business, i would like to thank everyone (and a special
hug and noodles to faith at ferrets R#1) that sent their support and
words of wise through my loss of pookie.  it's coming up on a year that
he's been gone and the 8 fur kids and myself still miss my boy, of course.
*sniffles* but in heart and merrily tattooed on my back, he will be
remembered *anyone interested in seeing pictures of my tattoo, email me
at [log in to unmask]
fat ferret: ok, 7 of my fur babes are slinky.  the last MF ball of fur that
was bestowed upon me as a dying bebe is now a tubby tubby tubby ferret.  he
(iggy) is a year old now.  his tummy jiggles....a lot.  but he does have
a wider face and thick neck and resembles a picture of what i saw being
called a "bulldog/german blood" ferret.  i dunno.  is there anyway to tell
if he is overweight or not normal?  *shrugs* just wondering.  he acts
normal and bounces (might be the perpetual motion of flub helping him
bounce, not shure) but i don't want later problems if "fat" is his case.
ok, la de da, i am finally wisking away to germany from may 28th to june
14th.  i'll be in Leipzig and Berlin for a music festival.  i've never been
to germany, but i do speak the language.  any ferret people out there that
want to hang out for a day or gimmie some tips about the country and nifty
places to go?  wheeee.  ah vacation.
andrea and the 8 balls of fur (one especially jiggley ball of fur)
[Posted in FML issue 3332]