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Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:36:51 -0500
"Stan @ KiSta" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (64 lines)
I don't write much to the FML so I am going to enjoy this rare occasion.
Kim (KistaMom) just called me from the road, returning from something that
never happened.  What do I mean by that?  Well lets see....
1) Linda Rodriguez from Loving Ferrets never had cause to have her shelter
invaded by authorities when complaints of ANIMAL CRUELTY were reported to
them about her.  There were never live ferrets living with dead ones in
cages, dead ferrets stuffed into Ziploc bags and stored in a carrier in a
pickup truck cab in the summer heat until they turned into a pasty goo, and
she never had a dead dog in a cardboard box (well, I think it WAS a dog.
all that was left was its fur and maggot casings).  It never happened.
2) The authorities never called Kim at KiSta to come pick up the remaining
starved and scared ferrets that they liberated from certain death, and she
never brought me in our smoking, on its last legs VW van to pick them up,
filling the van to capacity.  It never happened.
3) Kim and I never processed each and every one of those ferrets into
the night (papers, nails, teeth, ears, shots, naming, marking for
identification, finding cage space, loosing our office, living room and
bedroom to cages...did I forget anything?) till almost 4 in the morning.
It never happened.
4) Kim and Lisa and I never took care of those ferrets feeding them,
washing them, cleaning up after them, making sure they got healthy again,
comforting the lost causes till they died, and finding good happy and
loving homes for them.  It never happened.  I never dug graves for the ones
that couldn't make it back from the brink, something I just love to do :o(
5) Kim never got angry everyday that Linda Rodriguez was still allowed
to operate her shelter by The New Jersey Fish, Game & Wildlife Department
even though she was under indictment for animal cruelty by her local
municipality.  They never pulled her license even when confronted with
photographic evidence.  It never happened.
6) Said photographs never happened.  Seems that some lawyer working for
Linda Rodriguez had them thrown out of evidence.  This same waste of
humanity is also instrumental in the helping out the following....
7) It never happened.  The court just threw out the case saying that the
authorities went in illegally and that the whole process never happened.
Simple as that folks, clean, cut and dry.
Kim cant even sue Linda for the care and feeding of the ferrets since it
never happened.
Now, if any lawyer, cop, wildlife officer or anyone associated with this
case and Linda Rodriguez herself even tries to gain possession of any of
the ferrets she thinks are hers guess what?  "What ferrets?" Ill say.  It
never happened!
Also, I am keeping the pics that never happened on my server for all to see
as a reminder of just how cruel and backwards*ss our legal system is and
how it can let people like that continue to kill and maim just because they
got a smarmy piece of monkey poop for a lawyer.  Come try me out brutha, I
got GOD on my side.
Thank You and have a nice day...I know Kim wont...oh wait...
Stan Sikorski - KiSta Ferret Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3323]