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Sun, 4 Feb 2001 09:22:35 -0600
Jo Ellen Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I have a concern about taking a vacation because I won't leave my little
fuzz home with someone, he has to go with Mommie & Daddy.  But I have never
been on a real vacation with him before & don't know what to expect from
Motel/Hotels.  Do I tell them when making reservations that I have one &
that he is in a cage or what?  Are there motels that won't let you stay
there because you have one?  Does anyone know of a certain hotel/motel
that allows pets?  I just think it would be so much easier to stay home,
but my Hubby wants to go to Duluth this year.  What to do?  I don't trust
anyone to let him out to play & not let him get lost or hurt, so that he
can't stay home, let alone leave him in the first place.  The issue about
traveling in the car is o.k. as he is a good little traveler, it's just
the motel/hotel concern.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I can't keep telling the hubby
"I' don't know if I want to go on vacation." As I really do want to go
but don't want anything to happen to little Marty.  Also, are pet Ferrets
legal in Minnesota?  I was thinking that the only place they weren't was
California?  Am I right on this?  One last thing.  If we do decide to go,
is there anything special I have to do to take him like shots or anything.
I know we aren't leaving the country & this sounds like a stupid question
even to me but I am still new at this.  Thanks in advance for your help.
Jo & Marty
[Posted in FML issue 3319]