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Tue, 30 Jan 2001 13:04:27 -0500
Valerie Krzykowski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (91 lines)
Greetings FML readers! <:{{{{{{{{)-----
This is my first time writing in, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's
inputs each day so much that I thought that I should join the family.
Also mark me down as a tattooed mom!  I have three tribal tattoos (the
sun-on my left thigh, the moon-on my right thigh, and flower-which
represents land/earth on my stomach) Next I'm looking for something that
represents water to put on my lower back......but all this talk about
ferret tattoos...sounds intriguing...I love my little scuttle-butts!!!
I have eight piercings(one on the tounge) too.  It is funny because if
you saw me you would never guess.  I'm the shock at my office here in
Arlington, VA.  No one would have guessed that I have tats, piercing,
tons of pets, and ride a Harley.
I live with my fiance and his parents (mom and pop).  I mentioned that I
have tons of pets (they aren't actually all mine, but between mom and me!!)
Mom had ferrets first-(she basically took custody after the original owners
just decided they were too much hassle.) *Mom is the biggest pet lover in
the world!!!!(she once stayed up day and night to nurse a little kitten
that she found in a ditch back to life AFTER the vet said that it would be
dead by morning and that it should be put down--mom couldn't do it and
despite what the vet said, the kitten lived a full life, but passed away
about five years ago)---just wanted to give you a better feeling of mom*
So, when I moved in, mom had two ferrets.  Harley and Twist.  Harley died
of adreanal :( shortly after I moved in....that was a sad day...my
condolenses to all of you with sick or angeled fuzzies :(
Soon after that I got my first ferret Blaze (she's a blaze!), and my fiance
said that she shouldn't be alone, so the next day we went back and got her
brother Buddy (he's a brown sable).  Buddy was really vocal at first-always
running around honking(dook!  dook!) It was so cute!!(we almost called
him Goose-cuz he sure sounded like one!) That was the start of our little
family.  A few months later I saw the cutest baby (he is like a cream/liver
color-hard to describe) I had to have him, and his name is Baby Jake (it
still is even though he's grown, and we have since gotten a new baby) Buddy
and Blaze were like teenagers at this point, and Twist was an old gal
(3years) and she really didn't want to be bothered much with the wrestling,
so Mom went out an got another baby to play with Baby Jake.  She named her
baby Tigger.  *Tigger had a sad story: If anyone might have an idea what
happened to him, please let me know-it is still a mystery to us...we are
guessing heart disease but the vet said his heart sounded fine.  When
Tigger first came home he ran around and played with Baby Jake, after a
few weeks, he would just play for about ten minutes, and then find Mom's
slipper, beg to be picked up, and all he would want is for Mom to hold him.
While Baby Jake was growing and getting bigger, little Tigger stayed the
same size (no bigger than a hand's length plus a tail) He died in his sleep
one night (at about 5-6 months old) poor baby!!  :( we still miss him.  We
have little Tigger toys all around for the other kids to play with-just a
reminder of our little guy.<:{{}}~* A few months ago, I went over to a
girl's house who was in one of my classes and she had a ferret that was 3
years old.  It was in a cage all by itself with no toys and padding.  She
said she never had time for him, so I could have him.  I took him home with
me and gave him to Mom.  His name is Bear and he's the biggest ferret in
the house!!  About a month ago, Mom and I both got another baby (we were
in Petco, and saw these babies that were definately weaned and nuetered
TOO young.  They still had their baby teeth!!!  I think they were only
1.5-2months old!!) We had to take them home and baby them.  I got a baby
girl sable and named her Mary Jane (to go with Baby Jake).  She has since
lost her bottom baby teeth(fangs) but still has the top.  Mom got a
black-eyed white, and named her Angel.  She has lost all of her baby teeth,
so I'm guessing she's a bit older, it also looks like she's getting a black
stripe down her back-but we aren't sure yet.  only time will tell.  So, in
total that makes 8 little scuttle-butts!  To add to that list of pets we
also have 6 little fluffy white dogs-Cozy, Henson, Figit, Basil, Bubby, and
Scruffy (had two, but when they had puppies mom couldn't give them up) 1
tuxedo cat-Shadow (found her under the shed) 1 tuxedo Pit-Rock (we keep him
away from Mom's ankle biters) 1 siberian hamster-Pikachu and 2 fish tanks
(sorry, I don't name my fish) We are all one big happy family (although the
CAT gets put away, when the FERRETS come out to play!!)
Speaking of play-I know someone mentioned getting a sand box for her
ferrets to play in....I have an alternative.  Reason: I was nervous that
the sand might get in the rascals eyes while they were burrowing and
possible scratch or damage them.  SO, I have this huge clear plastic bin
(you know the kind for storage at Target-approx 15" deep) and I filled it
with rice about a 7 inches deep.  The rice works just as good as sand if
not better.  Then sometimes I bury treats in the rice and they go digging
for them.  Pretty neat!!  And when I'm not using it, I can put the lid on
and the rice stays safe and contained.  The deep container is good too
because when they dig they can sure send that stuff flying.  I hope you
all try it, I haven't met a ferret yet who didn't love it.
Well, I best be going---I'm sorry for having written such a long entry, but
I had to introduce you to all my kids!!
~Val and all the little BEASTIES
p.s.  I want to thank Joe Fry for introducing me to the FML, and "HI" to
his daughter and her 8 little guys!!!(I work with your dad)
[Posted in FML issue 3314]