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Mon, 29 Jan 2001 22:38:37 -0800
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When you give your fuzzies a kiss good-night tonight have a little talk
with them.  Tell them to never get sick on Super Bowl Sunday!!!
I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your responses.  They were
all helpful and informative.  I have discovered there is a GREAT bunch of
people here.
I called 7 vets offices, a hospital in Boston and an emergency clinic and
do you know Dr Williams, you were the first to get back to me?  For that I
thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I don't know what I ever would have
done if it were an emergency.  One of the vets offices I called acted like
I asked her to treat a leper.  She very snottily informed me "we don't *do*
ferrets".  you could just hear the Ewwwwww in her voice.  That kind of took
me by surprise.
Merlin's vet put him on antibiotics for another 10 days.  He developed
severe itchiness this time so she also put him on children's Benedryl.
After the 10 days she wants to see him to run some more tests.
Again, thank you all,
P.S. I am a 50 year-old Mom of 3 two-legged kids and 6 four-legged kids.
About 10 years ago, after a particularly emotionally trying year I got a
tattoo.  It's a Unicorn right over my heart.  I had it done to remind me
that there was still magic in this world.  I think I'll have a rainbow
added over it to let The Powers That Be that when I leave this world I
have a stop to make before I can move on.
[Posted in FML issue 3313]