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Thu, 25 Jan 2001 21:43:09 -0800
ferret lover <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
Okay, this is the absolute last call for the Valentines Day Card Exchange!
Could use several more people so if you are interested-better get your
name in now!  For those who don't know what I am talking about...it's a
Valentines Day Card Exchange....like when you were in grade school!  You
will be given a list of names of fellow ferret lovers that you are to send
cards to...in return, all these ferret lovers will send cards to you, too!
Pictures, notes and letters are most welcome!  Join the fun-get your name
in now!  There will be 10 names on the list....yours and 9 others so you
will need to plan on sending out 9 cards-no need to send one to yourself...
unless of course you want to, then it's okay!
Due to the fact that I am going out of town for the weekend, the list will
be send out on Tuesday morning, Jan 30th-still giving us a full to weeks to
get the cards send out!  If you want to join, your name and address needs
to be to be BEFORE then!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
"The world is made up for the most part of morons and natural tyrants, sure
of themselves, strong in their own opinions, never doubting anything."
Clarence Darrow
[Posted in FML issue 3309]