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Thu, 25 Jan 2001 13:16:37 CST
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I called my vet to check up on Oliver yesterday just in time before he
descented him.  (Thank you God) When he put the scope in Oliver everything
looked good all the way up to the colon, no polyps or redness.  We
discussed food and him possibly straining that would cause the prolapsed
rectum.  I want to wait and see if the prolaps will go away, and hope that
the impacted scent glands won't come back, or even if the two are related.
So for now all he has is a shaved rear, LOL!  Poor baby!  Any of you
breeders out there have any experience with impacted scent glands and
if it came back?
Oliver was eating Totally Ferret just fine until they had all the problems
with the batches last summer and I've had trouble with my guys not eating
it since.  So I've been mixing in other foods to get them to eat it.  Big
sigh!  All Oliver wanted was the cats food and the dog's food.  The cats
are on special food because one gets stones and the other one gets sick
(Select Care Control and High Factor).  I started supplementing him with
Bob's gravy so that he'd get enough nutrition.  I took the cat and dog food
away while the ferrets were out, but then Oliver lost a bunch of weight.
So now I'm backing him off the gravy and mixing the cats food in with the
TF in his cage and hopefully get him to eat the TF again.  I hope I have
the patience for however long this takes.  My vet thinks that his stools
will firm up and hopefully he won't be straining and scooching and no more
prolapsed rectum.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Anyone else have trouble with their ferrets not eating TF anymore?  I've
tried several different other brands and no luck so far, but fortunately
there's a long list of other foods to try.  I'm still going to try and get
him back on the TF only, but if I can find another good food he likes I
can mix it in.  I do not intend to start another food fight, err I mean
discussion, just wanting to know if others have had this problem with TF
or is it just me.
Mary and The 11 Munchkins
[Posted in FML issue 3309]