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Print Reply
Sun, 21 Jan 2001 11:49:50 -0500
Public Relations <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (28 lines)
Hi Kat,
The sedative prior to euthanasia IS necessary if the vet will be
administering a cardiac puncture for the task.  There are many nerves over
the breastplate in the area which needs to be penetrated for the cardiac
puncture.  A sedative would not need to be used if the final injection were
to be an IP intra peritaneum one ( into the abdominal cavity).  There the
solution is absorbed and transferred through the blood to te heart.  The
difference is a time factor.  The death is very quick with the intra
cardiac in 2-3 seconds, the IP method could be as long as 15 mins -- even
longer if the solution was placed into a less absorbant area.
What is important to understand is - not every vet uses a solution which
can be utilized as IP- some are too viscous ( thick) .  Others like to
verify the death with a heart stick ( intra cardiac puncture.  Each vet has
preferences for the final task of euthanasia.  In my mind euthanasia is
preferable to a lingering , painful death.  I have sat thorugh many
euthanasia scenarios and witnessed several methods.  My mind is healthier
when I hold a ferret after an IP injection, or can witness the iso mask
and puncture seeing there is no pain.  I have completed an actual 2 day
certification on the process, so I would fully understand it and make the
decisions required in sheltering more tolerable.  I hope this helps answer
the questions.
at Ferret Wise
[Posted in FML issue 3305]