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Sat, 20 Jan 2001 11:54:37 -0500
text/plain (27 lines)
I'm not a member of the FML but I heard someone (not neccesarily from here)
is questioning Kista Shelter's "worthiness", and I wanted to respond.
I've been to Kista Shelter.  The shelter is clean, the ferrets are healthy
and well cared for and they are all loved.  All the cages have all the
neccesities as well as plenty of hammocks, bedding and toys.  All the
ferrets are well socialized and friendly, even the two I was told *might*
bite were friendly.  The ferrets get a mixture of top quality ferret foods
and supplements....I just don't know what else to say.  There is no fault
to find with Kim's shelter.  She does an exceptional job.
If you're looking for healthy, good tempered, well cared for beautiful
ferrets (some under one year and some older) you should really consider
stopping by Kista shelter first.  Some ferrets have special needs but
others are 100% healthy and just gorgeous.  And even most of the special
needs ferrets don't need anything earth shattering.
That's all I wanted to say.  Though I doubt that anybody here would have
any real doubts or concerns about "Kim's reputation", if anybody does,
check with people who have actually been to the shelter and seen it in
person.  Or stop by there yourself and make up your own mind.  You don't
have to adopt a ferret to stop by.  There's no pressure.  Kim just likes
company <g> and she's right by an amazing beach!!!  :)
[Posted in FML issue 3304]