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Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:08:12 EST
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The going south leg of the rescue took place this past Sunday.  I have to
kudo's to Ann for keeping all those ferrets straight, their paperwork, and
the time and attention she has put into this effort.  The ferrets arrived
looking well & happy.
I must say, this whole rescue effort has been so heart warming.  I feel
grateful to belong to such a group of people as 'ferret' people.
I was coordinator of the MD/PA/VA leg of shelters.  I had no problem
getting enough shelters to volunteer.  So many in fact, I had to turn some
way.  I wanted to say thank you to Sara P.  at FURRY, Lisa at Ferret Haven
by the Sea, and Marlene from the Richmond Va ferret Rescue for your offer
to help.  I'll hit you up next time.
The PFRA group pulled together as they always do and took some of the
ferrets, so thank you so much to Kym, Mary and Chris and Tara.  I know I
can always count on you all.  Thank you to their Ann who did the pick up
and delivery of the kids.
Thanks to Barbara Clay at Rocky's Rescue for doing a delayed rescue for
some missed kids.  I do appreciate you help in giving me some Md land marks
etc.  It worked great.
A very special thank you needs to go out to Debbie at MetroFerret for doing
the driving from NJ to Baltimore and keeping everything organized ;-)
What a fantastic offer and what a time saver.  Also thank you so much to
MetroFerret as a whole for their donation of food.  It was a wonderful
Ann Ryan - I don't know what to say.  She showed what she's made of in this
whole effort.  Keeping 60 ferrets straight, getting them neutered/spayed
and their medical conditions taken care of.  Then trying to organize all
the efforts of getting these kids out to new homes - without dropping the
ball at all.  Don't know how you did it.  She even had time to make up a
special goodie box for us.  I was floored.  Ann thank you for being their
for the kids.
Kim at Kista - who was sweet enough to let a good friend of mine adopt
Chick Magnet and worked with us to get him in on this journey.  I so do
appreciate it.  Wish I had a camera to have taken a picture of Debbie's
face when she pick up Chicky Baby.  Then to top it off, Her and Jen sent
down food for the shelter - like they don't have enough mouths to feed up
their.  They also did up the sweetest care package to go to Chick Magnets
new mom.  She almost cried.
Shelters can come together and work together.  I am so glad.
I also have to thank all my volunteers who without doing what they do, I'd
never have time to schedule appointments and play with the kids (hey isn't
that the main reason to get into sheltering?) Roger, my Chief poop Scooper,
Brian my son who is 2nd in command at phone headquarters and assistant
pooper scooper, Megan who is there every single Saturday come rain or snow
(thank god she's lived in Alaska) who takes in some of my elderly kids
and ones that keep getting looked over, and her hubby Jason for letting
her :-), my ear cleaner & nail experts - Lori Barber, Tamara Stanton and
Jeff.  Not a piece of ear wax gets by them three.  They even put up with
the biters!
I am so fortunate to have people that come by once in a while to help,
or help me out at tables etc.  The shelter only runs smooth because of
volunteers.  That is what keeps us going and not getting burnt out.  So
remember everyone, volunteer if you have a shelter near by.  Even a day
once in a while makes a huge difference.
Ferrets R #1 Shelter & Rescue
[Posted in FML issue 3300]