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Sat, 13 Jan 2001 04:13:48 -0500
Rhyakitty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
Dooks and ferretkisses to the FML!
Yes, ferrets do tend to be prone to health problems as they age,
particularly adrenal disease, and any age ferret can contract ECE
(enterocatarrhic enteritis, which is transmitted by fert to fert contact
and also fert-human-fert contact like handling the babies at pet stores).
As far as I know, other than feline distemper, I can't think of anthing
else other than the usual fungal and parasitic suspects that can be passed
from cats to ferts.  However, I'm not a vet; so Dr. Williams or one of the
shelter moms and dads are probably better equipped to answer this question
than I.
However, I do know that you're doing exactly the WRONG thing by putting
your 'bratty' fert down when he gets rambunctious.  By this you're telling
him, "it's ok to play too rough with daddy, cause then i get put down to
play!"  The best way to deal with a situation like this is when your fert
misbehaves, give him a chance first (scruff him and say firmly, in his face
(but not yelling, of course) 'no').  If he still misbehaves, cage him for a
time, and let him back out after 45 minutes or so.  This tells him, "if i
misbehave, playtime's over!", a far better message to be sending. :)  After
a few times, your baby will learn that it's not nice to play rough. :)
Here's hoping your furbaby gets the idea sooner than later. :)  Missing out
on playtime is rough for everyone.
And for Kate:
I would be a far less informed about the woozles were it not for Kim
Schilling's book Ferrets For Dummies.  Of all the ferret books I've read,
it's by far the best, and I would recommend it to anyone (geez, you people
are going to think I work for Kim or the publishing company if I keep
shilling (no pun intended) for her! :) )  So, take my advice, sidle over
to amazon.com and pick up this book, it's the most valuable resource I
know of. :)
Love, dooks, and big juicy raisins,
[Posted in FML issue 3297]