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Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:04:33 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
Hi, just to let everyone know i'm having a large yard sale this Sat, jan
13Th, from 8-4.  I have many things to sell, and people are still bringing
over yard sale donations.
Anyone in Las Vegas want to get rid of stuff, I'll take it!
also my neighbor, a few doors down has his house up for sale, it is vacant
now, its beautiful, if I find a buyer then he is going to give me a finders
fee.  Then you could be my neighbor.
and it has 2 living rooms, one with tile floor, do I smell, foster home,
LOL also he has a jacuzzi, a beautiful china hutch, and other misc stuf
that if I help sell i get a little money, so that will help the shelter
out also.
i also am selling some casino collectable stuff, and ferret books, and
anything I can out of my house!
if you are interested in any of these things or want directions to the yard
sale, please call me at, 876-8224, outside Las Vegas use 702 area code.
Take care,
P.S. i also got in another 2 ferrets yesterday, making a total of 7 ferret
turn ins in one day, I hope this is not an indication of the year to come.
Last year we took in 307 ferrets, and an array of other exotic animals.
[Posted in FML issue 3295]