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Wed, 10 Jan 2001 18:38:10 -0500
Stan Siatkowski <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (19 lines)
We're down to one, now, after 8 years with ferrets and a maximim of 6.
Our last original guy, Psycho, has only ever stolen one thing - potatoes.
When he was much younger and had the run of the house, he's do daily
"potato runs".  One night he took a total of 23 potatoes out of a box in
the kitchen and hid them under the bed.  Then he started chewing on them,
so we thought it might be better to remove them.
That was about 5 years ago and he never got the chance to steal them again
until a few weeks ago.  I dropped a potato on the floor while preparing
dinner when Psycho just happened to be loose in the area, and he snatched
it an took off to the bedroom.  What a memory!
Our first ferret, Mookie, took only Theresa's fur-lined gloves.  Stash also
liked gloves, but only my ski-golves with the velcro strap.  Cocoa, Cecil
and Gromit never did any stealing of any sort.
Stan Siatkowski
[Posted in FML issue 3294]