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Mon, 8 Jan 2001 22:07:01 -0600
Larry McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
I was remiss in reading Sunday's FML-had to go to work early at the mall,
and today just read Georgia's post about Lynn, had to go back and read
Lynn's about Georgia.  And now, folks the truth can REALLY come out here.
Lynn, how could you think Georgia runs a sweatshop?  Honestly, think about
it.  Kouri's out there in the spotlight with the NRA, joining the gardening
club, you name it.  I'm waiting for his own line of bed sheets, linens,
cutlery, etc-he's going to give Martha Stewart a run for her money (really
a run when he absconds with her bill fold) Isn't he also picked as the
next winner of the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes?  Nah, she's not
running a sweatshop-she's a STAGE DOOR MOMMA!  That's what she is!  It's
child labor, forcing that poor dear to do all these things.  And the others
of her group are the 'chorus line', supporting stars.  They have to make
sure Kouri's brushed and groomed, lookin' good for the ladies, ya know?????
I know the delicacies you feed your kids-fresh Florida alligator meat
(yum-ick), you have fresh fish and shrimp brought to them.  Georgia doesn't
know how your kids recline on couches like Roman Senators, nibbling on
their food, just before you attach little mops and brushes to their behinds
to make them clean the linoleum.
And Georgia-picking on Lynn, thinking she sent INS to your door.  Tsk,
tsk, tsk.  It was actually ATF, you know.  You have GOT to get Kouri's aim
better, all this hunting out of season for jackalope and everything- the
neighbors are getting a wee bit upset with the windows in their houses
being shot out.  And we know your fuzzies aren't from other countries-
you've been giving them foreign language lessons, that's all, therefore the
confusion of the moment.  I mean, c'mon, we all know they've been attending
schools-that's why book rental and all has gone up, your kids have been
'hoarding' books, erasers, pens, pencils, the principal's microphone.  We
know that you actually have that 'sweatshop' set up as front for illegal
hunting/child labor.  Deported-HA!  You're just afraid the ferrets will all
tell how you make them sing and dance all the time, do that traveling
entertainment group and how you've been selling those Jackalope that Kouri
traps.  Your hoping to make a movie like "Gypsy" and get Bette Midler to
play your part.  Either that or your trying to take over from Alvin and the
Chipmunks-can you see the headlines: Kouri and the Georgettes (you just
have to get your name in there, you know)
And both of you really want to go together to a nice, sunny, warm beach,
away from the hustle and bustle, the mosquito spray, the irate teachers and
trappers..... LYNN-get out of that yard and quit that deep inhaling-don't
tell us you just stand there for the sun and don't inhale!  GEORGIA-don't
you dare let Kouri drive that tank!  Whaddaya think this is, the 5th army
already-enough with the Patton imitation there!
Ahem, now, we can be calm again-what Mookie, dear?  Did you say you wanted
that chicken fricasseed?  Excuse me everyone-I have to go take care of the
Crew-they're demanding their chicken gravy extraordinnaire and I have to
make sure they've done their artwork......
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and =
 taste good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 3292]