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Sat, 6 Jan 2001 23:19:35 -0800
Jaime Wolf <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I've always wondered why all 4 ferrets like to steal different things- it's
amazing how they all have their little fetishes :-).
let's see: Freddy, the oldest, likes anything rubber or plastic.  For a
long time his favorite toy was a big red rubber squeaky spider dog toy.
Then I got these rubber corks you can use in wine bottles.  There are now
several floating around the house with many teeth marks.  He also had a
little gray plastic shark he liked.
Peanut is the sock thief.  I swear she can smell a sock a mile away (and
no, they're not dirty socks...) We think that's why she sometimes bites
feet- she just really really wants your sock.
Scooter likes these little rubber balls and his favorite toy til recently
was a little wind-up santa claus- you know the things you wind up and they
walk around?  He would go nuts when he heard it buzzing around and would
race around trying to find it (we never had figured out if he was trying
to "kill" it or if he just liked it...).  He'll take some weird stuff to
his hiding places too- pizza crusts, for instance...
Daisy, the littlest, likes stuffed animals- she drags them by their nose or
their hard plastic eyes.  She also chews on tennis shoe soles.
They hide their little toys both under the bed and under a futon. For
no apparent reason they will decide to move them from one place to the
other, as I'm sure yours do too. Weird little things, aren't they? :-)
Oh, another funny thing they like is this purple plastic tupperware-like
storage bin.  It's about 12 inches long and rectangular and we have it
turned upside down as a step stool for them to get to their bean-digging
bin- they like to get underneath it so they're inside and scoot around on
the floor.  We've been startled a few times by going into the bedroom to
get something and suddenly seeing the purple thing scoot across the floor!
Sometimes there's a little bit of a tail sticking out the back too!
They'll bump into the bed or something and then change directions, it's
really funny to watch.
[Posted in FML issue 3291]