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Thu, 4 Jan 2001 13:41:15 -0700
"Johns, Beth" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (20 lines)
My kitty that I have posted about before, Persnickitty, was diagnosed with
FIP by our vet.  I wondered why the breeder was giving away a $700 or so
persian kitten for free.  In the first few months that we had her she had
several severe seizures.  (All of her littermates have since died of grand
mal seizures).  But in the last 8 months that we have had her she has been
symptom free.  She is now a year and a half old.
Of course when I found out about her problem and that is was extremely
contagious to other cats I was terrified for my ferrets.  My vet informed
us that it was not contagious to the ferrets.  The literature that I have
read on it has not mentioned any other species being able to contract it.
My two girls have been socializing with my cat and sharing the litterbox
daily for the last year and they have not shown any of the symptoms so I
am assuming my vet was right.  I would be interested to hear anything else
on this as well as it would affect my babies.
Minerva, Frumpstiggle the Marsh Wiggle and Persnickitty
[Posted in FML issue 3288]