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Wed, 3 Jan 2001 17:42:24 -0500
text/plain (73 lines)
Hey friends!
It's your best Buddy Jerimiah Ferret Wise here to tell you all abouts
what's happening here at Ferret Wise!  Wooooweee!  Something new everyday I
swear!  Sine the holiday time we have 3 BOXES of Cheerios in the shelter.
That is right 3 WHOLE Boxes-- but only 1 I can see.  Over the Holiday a
hospice Mom who really enjoyed the reports of my Cheerios caper thought I
should try again she brought Me a BIG BOX ( well I am supposed to share
them).  Then Rex got his own Box from a secret Santa, and lo and behold
another shelter Mom who is real special sent another box so we is set for
a few weeks!
There is lots of activity lately--but shelter Mom has been kind of quiet
with a head cold thing-- she is not giving kisses cause she doesn't want us
to get sick.  She also is not getting very excited when we make a mess--
she never speaks up just goes and cleans up-- get well shelter mom --
you're just NO fun!
Snowing-- let me tell you-- I didn't really know what all the significance
of snow was-- the folks were waiting and waiting-- we didn't see it so the
new kids Emily and the three ferreteers (Hershey, Nestle & Samson)-- huh
the made it snow IN the shelter.  That's right Snowing , snowing!  The
air was full of falling shuffling flakes of white , soft, PAPER towels!!
HAHAHAHA, HA it was such FUN!  Now, let me tell you what happened.
Shortly after the Holiday event..  by the way it was nice to see so many
new faces here-- though I really kind of miss that 6 kids left for new
home!  Anyways, Aunt Judy the hospice Mom stopped by to help out and make
a supply run-- she left a package of Paper towels a 6 pack in the small
shelter room on the chair.  Now that is alright when some of us are out--
but the big boys got restless.  They climb up on the carrier cage and took
a leap.  One of them knocked the entire package off onto the floor-- it was
history-- you see as Mom & Judy had lunch-- the kids decided to get real
creative with their playtime.  First they tore the plastic wrapper off the
paper towel pack..  The they all took their own rolls and dragged them
around until -- hey this stuff is so soft-- they started digging and
digging and digging--- whooowwweee!  Man they had those specks of paper
towel drifting everywhere.  Then they got really really tired and took a
nap in the hammies in the playroom.  Well when shelter Mom cam e in she was
surprised to hear so much quiet.  Then she checked on that room-- we was
all right up to the front to the cages and we heard-- OHHHHHH NOOOOO!!!!
Uh huh- really we did!  She gathered up the 4 kids- put them into their
private condo cage and cleaned their potty, restocked food and water- and
wouldn't even let us out!  She went into the play room and found paper
towels on the side board, floor, chair over everything -- so she took the
vaccy thing and made it wail!  It shut off 2 times she had to get new bags
to put in it's belly!  Wow they really made a lots of the snow..  She then
picked up the raggedy paper towel rolls that were almost to and down to
cardboard rolls and shook her head... Guess she never saw that before..
anyway finally we got out to play-- but we never got our own turn!
Imagine that!
I hears she is making room for a whole new bunch of kids that lost their
Dady in NJ right before the Holiday-- oh boy maybe we can have holiday
all over agian when they gets here- I bet shelter Dad will be joining us
tonight to build the big cage that is in boxes today!  Neat O-- I will be a
real big help you can bet!
There is some new Hammies on ebay to help us care for the new kids-- if you
are interested-- Mom started making the Valentine sacks a little early for
kids that deserve an extra hug-- you can see them and other beds like a new
deep pocket hammie at:
I can't wait to tell you all about the new kids that are coming to let me
teach them ferret tricks at Ferret Wise!  So-- Stay tuned!  Jerimiah,
Jr Mascot, Ferret Wise SHELTER
[Posted in FML issue 3287]