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Wed, 20 Dec 2000 18:10:52 -0500
Modern Ferret <[log in to unmask]>
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The hearing on Monday was before the Health Committee of the New York City
Council for that committee to decide whether the legislation proposed by
Council Member Kathryn Freed to legalize ferrets in New York City should
go before the entire City Council.  Mary and I got up early in the morning
so we could take a train in and go to the hearing.
I videotaped what I could of the proceedings, but have not yet had a chance
to review it.  The video may be a bit shaky (I'm still on prednisone and
can't hold a camera steady) but hopefully the audio will be okay.
Depending on how much time I have available I'll either have some of the
testimony up on the FerretTV.com site in the next few days or just after
Christmas (we're busy trying to fill orders as soon as they come in).
About 20-30 ferret folks showed up, many of whom testified before the
committee.  Many who testified were veterinarians (some received
applause!), but there were also some regular old ferret folks who
Mary testified (as editor of Modern Ferret magazine and author of two
books on ferret care) that ferrets are a domesticated animal (thanks to
Bob Church for supplying the scientific background for this argument).
The ASPCA sent in their testimony in favor of legalization.  No one spoke
against the legislation.
The New York City Department of Health did not show up -- but they sent in
their testimony opposing the legislation.  It was the only "anti-ferret"
The Chairman of the Committee, Dr. Victor Robles, seemed receptive to the
various people who spoke.  He was interested and listening and even asked
some thoughtful questions about some of the testimony.  It was our
impression that the hearing went well for ferret owners.
Mary also spoke with a reporter from the LA Times who told her that Peter
Vallone, the head (the Speaker, I believe is his title) of the City Council
stated that it is his feeling that the burden of proof is on the City's
administration to prove to him (and, presumably, other members of the City
Council) that ferrets are in fact a danger -- he thinks they are not.  He
is currently supporting the legislation (yay!).  We feel that things look
pretty good for this legislation right now -- but that doesn't mean New
Yorkers can rest.  We can only rest after ferrets have been legalized.  We
will await news as to whether the Committee turns the legislation over to
the full Council for vote -- though we strongly suspect this will indeed
happen.  If you live in New York City, you should check the NY City Ferrets
web site at
for updates.  The next step for New York City people will be to write to or
meet with their City Council Member to let him or her know you'd like them
to support this legislation (Intro.  627).  Letters should also be sent to
Peter Vallone and to Mayor Giuliani.  Please check the web site above for
addresses and specifics about writing to these people.  The City Council is
the best bet for New Yorkers to get ferrets legalized and they should all
be treated with respect.  Remember -- your City Council Member may already
support the legislation.
As a side note, despite the media's insistence on using a photo of a
black-footed ferret (ugh!), there seems to be a fairly positive spin in
the news on the ferret issue so far.  Let's hope it continues.
-- Eric
Modern Ferret Magazine - For ferret owners. By ferret owners.
Mary & Eric Shefferman & the Fuzzies: Knuks, Trixie, Bosco da Gama,
Balthazar, Cauliflower, Koosh, and Gabrielle
[Posted in FML issue 3273]