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Sat, 16 Dec 2000 14:21:46 -0600
Melissa Warren <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
Last night for the first time in my life I almost passed out.... It all
revolved around Yoda.  I have been having a very terrible week, my son
was sick last weekend with a stomach virus and now this weekend I have
it.  No Christmas shopping...I am so far behind...oh it is depressing....
I hope everyone can live with gift certificates...anyway, A good friend of
mine called to say her boyfriend had just asked her to marry him the day
before.  She said she almost passed out and had to sit down.  It was sudden
and unexpected....she is still in shock...so am I but for a different
My husband had been playing guitar in here with Yoda while I was on the
phone.  I wanted to allow Yoda to roam, but he was too loud for me to be on
the phone, and he couldn't play and keep Yoda out of the Xmas tree.  Yoda
has a light bulb fetish that is very annoying....I took me a while to get
off the phone due to the new developments.....Finally, I was able to get
off the phone and I came in here to allow Yoda to roam and I opened his
cage and poked him alittle to rouse him.  No movement.  Oh crap....it
reminded me of Jawa when he didn't wake up.  So I looked and he was
breathing, but it was slow and deep..I poked again.  No movement.  I said
OMG Mark, something is wrong with Yoda.  By this point, I was about to pass
out thinking Yoda was in some coma never to wake up.  It was Friday and
finding a vet would be next to impossible...I was totally freaking out!!
What does Mark do?  Casually walk over to the cage and say, "Hes just
sleeping."  Picks up the limp ferret, shakes him ever so gently, and then
starts rubbing his head.  On the second rub, my comatose little fuzzbucket
wakes up.  It took me ten minutes to recooperate.  Yoda just shortened my
life by about two weeks.
Melissa and Yoda (But Mom, Dad was playing too loud and I had to sleep!!)
[Posted in FML issue 3269]