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Fri, 8 Dec 2000 14:50:03 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
City Girl wrote:
>First--The ferret-sighting or rather ferret in a book.  Gina Kolata has
>written a book about the great influenza pandemic of 1918.  In it she
>describes the testing of the virus, etc. and vaccines and testing of
I am sorry that the author knows so little about ferrets, but have found
that one thing which holds true for science writers is that they LIKE TO
LEARN; if you send a polite letter about ferret kisses and cuddles and
such to her c/o her editor (if name is given it will be in
acknowledgements) at the publishing house she might well know better next
BTW, at least one maker of flu vaccines has in the past then adopted to
loving homes the ferrets used to test the vaccines.  It's a practice we
all hope is continuing and widening.
This leads me to an IMPORTANT REMINDER: there is a strain of influenza
going around right now that apparently is not covered in the flu shots.
I got it and Warp caught it from me.  Now, Steve and I always take
precautions so having influenza in our ferrets is rare, but even with
precautions it can sometimes happen.  I suspect I was shedding virus before
I knew what I had.  If you feel even a touch lousy be CAREFUL -- don't
kiss, do wash hands before touching them, if possible wear a face mask or
even a bandana over face - yes, viruses are small but if you sneeze or
cough the glop isn't small (All together now, "Ewwwwww, yuck!"), etc..
If you get the flu then if at all possible have someone else care for them.
If you have the flu, and any begin to look even the slightest bit down
separate out that one to protect the rest and contact vet.
Do realize that they can crash rapidly with influenza.  We could have lost
Warp to this one, but she's recovering now very well because she went to
vet on an emergency basis during one night due to her coughing being bad
and her becoming dehydrated and chilled.
Also, be aware that complications to influenza can happen even after
improvements have begun, so stay observant.
Oh, they don't get standard colds, I gather, though there are other
respiratory infections they share.  Have had one trade a sinus infection
back and forth with me in past.
[Posted in FML issue 3261]