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Sun, 5 Dec 0100 18:44:42 +0000
text/plain (33 lines)
oh dear.  I'm leaving directly from work tonight on a last-minute business
trip for a brand new job I just started, and it looks like one of my
4-year-old sprites might have an intestinal blockage.  I noticed yesterday
morning that she was looking bloated and separated her from her sister in
another cage so I could make sure she was pooping, figuring I was just
being paranoid.  But this morning there was no poop in her litter pan.
I've asked a friend to stop in after work and look after the girls, and I
was thinking I should ask him to take them to the vet tomorrow if there's
still no poop in the litterpan.  I don't get home 'til Friday night and
I'm thinking it could be dangerous to leave her until then.
She's acting normal and lets me feel her belly (which feels harder but may
also be my imagination)and I think she's been eating, drinking, and peeing.
Should I ask my friend to take the food out of her cage so she doesn't get
more blockage?
Any help or advice would be VERY VERY appreciated.  Feel free to email me
at [log in to unmask]  I don't have the time I normally would to research
everything because I have to leave on this business trip and I'm very
worried.  Also, does anoyone have any recommendations for a really good,
top-knotch ferret vet in the Bay Area (East Bay preferably; I'm in
Berkeley), CA?  I have a vet but I'm not to sure of their expertise.
Thanks all!!!
frett, sully, and worried mom
[Moderator's note: A later private follow-up implies the ferret will be
taken to a vet ASAP.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3258]