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Mon, 4 Dec 2000 19:14:23 -0800
Danielle Frye <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (43 lines)
Very happy to see a post from Lisette!  Hope there will be more.
Cleo, my little one who had to be "redone" for the descent, is doing
excellent.  Her "buttdate" is set for the 14th (getting sutures out).
Dopey got his out today, and did very well.
Soon, the trouble begins.  We will now be attempting to integrate the one
they did not like previously into the mix.  The reason we did not do this
sooner was because of the smell that resulted.  Hopefully, we can get the
ferrets to get along because it is getting really difficult to have
different playtimes.
Marley has taken considerable offense to the dumb blond jokes and is now
resorting to dumb sable jokes in retaliation.  Yes, I have a blond ferret
but "dumb" is not part of the equation.
Last week I read about a woman who took her pot-bellied pig in first class
on an airplane.  The airline let her because she stated (and had a note
from her doctor) that the pig is an aide to her because she has heart
problems and the pig reduces her stress and relaxes her.  Now I have heard
everything.  I can certainly empathize with anyone who has heart problems,
but come on!  I do give her credit for being able to get her pet on the
plane with her.  Apparently the pig left excrement and also charged the
galley.  I certainly would be upset if I had to share first class with a
pig (I share the bus with several everyday as it is) LOL!  I found the
article fascinating.  Hey, it might work for ferret owners too.  Just get
a note from your doctor specifying that your ferret makes you relax (ok,
like that would work).  I thought the whole article was absolutely
ridiculous.  Our newspaper employees are on strike so I guess this was
the best that the scabs could do for news?
Hope everyone has a good chuckle over this.  I sure did.
Take care~
[Moderator's note: Interesting note though: when they obtained permission
to fly with the pig they told the airline it weighed only 13 pounds.  It
really weighed 300 pounds!  Amazing to me how an animal of that size was
allowed to fly yet "dangerous" caged ferrets are banned.  (Yes, I do like
pigs, that's not my point.)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3257]