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Wed, 29 Nov 2000 11:47:54 -0800
Erin Simkins <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (49 lines)
Hi everyone.  I'd first like to say that to everyone with sick or angel
ferrets, I wish there was something I could do to make the pain go away.
I'm sending LOTS of cyber hugs to all of you.
I'm going to try and make this as short as possible.  (which is hard when
it comes to me, remember?  Those of you who were at Toronto know what I'm
talking about... LOL!) I found my ferret Tigger last Saturday (the 18th)
in his cage breathing rapidly, drooling VERY heavily, unresponsive, cold
and pale.  After talking with a very ferret-knowledgeable friend, she said
try Karo to bring him around.  He was open mouth breathing loudly and I was
scared.  At 6:15 AM on a Saturday morning, nothing was open.  After several
calls, I rushed him to a 24 Hour Emergency Clinic up near Akron.  After
an agonizing 3 days in the hospital and LOTS of tests, Dr. Riggs thought it
might be cardio.  A week after being on lasix twice a day, Tigger is better
but not "up to par."
I took him back yesterday for a check-up and yet ANOTHER chest film.  The
heart hasn't appeared to decrease in size but his lungs look good.  (He had
severe pulmonary adema [sp?] when we arrived at the hospital.)  Dr. Riggs
said cardiomyopathy for sure.
I'm crushed!!  He's only 2!!!!  I don't understand how this happens!!!!
Yes, he's Marshall Farms and he's already had a bilateral adrenalectomy.
(Thank God I don't have to worry about a second adrenal surgery now that
his heart is showing problems!) His heart is enlarged in the chest films
and the EKG didn't reveal much of anything.  No funny rythyms in his
heart, etc.
We've decreased his lasix to 0.05 ml twice a day and I go back in 30 days
unless something happens.  I have to call in with updates though.
I have a question for you all... what have your experiences been with
dilatative cardiomyopathy?  Sukie... I would LOVE to talk to you as I've
heard you've had more experience than you'd like.  I can't bear to think
that Tigger might not live to be 4...5...6... even 3?  It's terrible!!  I
know I should think positively and be thankful that he is here, I am.  I'm
glad that he was able to spend Thanksgiving with me!!  I was SO relieved!
How can I make sure he lives as long as possible?  I just can't believe
he's only 2!!!
Please talk to me, my friends!  PLEASE email me back at
[log in to unmask] or post to the list.  I will read both diligently!
Erin and...
Lynx, Tigger, Odin, Sebastian, Amira, Mondo and Mya
[Posted in FML issue 3252]