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Mon, 13 Nov 2000 21:45:19 -0800
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Greetings to all you fuzzie slaves!  Our thoughts to all of you with sick
fuzzies, and prayers to all who have lost one of your precious babies.
I want to send a great big thank you to Dr. Weiss, Dr. Treitler and the
"girls" in Santa Fe that got Dr. Weiss to come to this area of the country
to demonstrate his "cryosurgery" on ferrets.  I'm not sure just what
capacity these girls had as far as getting this done, but Sonya Grable
talked me into trying to get my Bilbo in for further surgery, and I am
grateful to her for doing this.  Thanks you so much Sonya!  Paula Federici
and Linda Doran both had something to do with having this all happen, and
I thank them so much.
Last year when Dr. Weiss unveiled his new "cryosurgery" for ferrets I felt
left out as he was on the opposite side of the country.  In May I had three
ferrets undergo surgery for adrenal and two of them were malignant.  One
being the left, the other the right.  I have a fantastic vet in Tucson, Dr.
VanErven, but we all know those right adrenals are almost impossible to
surgically remove.  And being a malignant adrenal, his time looked very
I couldn't believe things worked out where Dr. Weiss was going to be
close enough where we could make the trip (400 miles) and have Bilbo
checked out by Dr. Weiss.  After consulting with Dr. VanErven, I called Dr.
Treitler and he was so kind and encouraging, we set up the appointment.
All of Dr. Treitler's staff were very friendly and helpful every time I
called them.
When we arrived Dr. Treitler greeted us and explained what to expect.  Then
Dr. Weiss talked to us, asked us questions (got a little more history) and
told us he would take care of Bilbo.  After they started the surgery, Dr.
Treitler came out to let us know that they had done the left adrenal, which
surprised us, but he told me that it had also grown in the past six months.
Then they finished off the right adrenal.  Afterward Dr. Weiss came out
to let us know how everything went and what to expect.  Dr. Weiss was so
caring, a real pleasure to meet and have take care of our "Bilbo".
So far Bilbo is doing fantastic.  Time will tell as to whether he has to
stay on meds.  But you wouldn't know there is anything wrong with him now,
except for the shaved belly and his almost healed stitches.
I just wanted to thank Dr. Weiss, Dr. Treitler, Sonya Grable, Paula
Federici and Linda Doran for making this all possible, by caring for
ferrets so much and all the work they have done.  You're all terrific!
mjo and the zoo, Lady Star, Topanga, Ragine, Bilbo, Frodo, Frito, Pepper,
Caesar and the dogs Garth and Darwin (R.I.P.  Nipper, Lightning, EZ,
Cleo, Phantom and Duke)
[Posted in FML issue 3236]