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Mon, 30 Oct 2000 18:53:25 -0800
text/plain (36 lines)
Hi all
A news story.  Someone raided da cat area last night dressed in scary
costumes.  Cats were running everywhere.  It waz a great Holloween.
Tonight da dogs.
A little girl came in tonight named Saffy.  She waz met by Marshmellow.
They were really happy to see each other.  There waz da usual goosip about
home and all da news.  Then they went around exploring and she got to see
all da sights and attractions.  She waz real interested in where to get
some Cheweasels.  I said she could not have mine dat she had to get her
own.  So off to da fields they went looking for them.  They are always out
there and the patient can find them.  I went by a little later and she had
quite a supply.  I told her to watch them close as they tend to vanish
attached to other little ones.  They headed over to Dirt Mountain to
Marshmeloows den to hide them there.  She said to tell her mommy dat she
luved her and to send lots of hugs and cuddles.
A little gil came in later named Sassy.  She waz met by Butterball and
Stormy.  They seemed happy to see her and warm huggs were given all around.
They wanted all da news from home and how everything waz going there
especially da gossip.  After dat they headed off to da Gravy Gourmet and
had a bite to eat before they got down to da exploring part.  They ate
quite a bit with no regard for her girlish figure.  Then they headed off to
show her all da attractions and sites.  They explored for quite some time.
I went by later to check and they had picked out a comfy hammock in Hammock
Haven and were all cuddled up together in a big ball.  She seems to be in
good paws and well taken care of.  She said to send her luv to her mommy
and daddy along with lots of ferrety kisses.
Well it is da dog area tonight.  After this I may end of with horns toting
a pitch fork but it will be worth it.  Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3222]