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Sun, 15 Oct 2000 02:54:54 EDT
Betty Rebel <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
I just realized that I dint read the "about the author page" of the Ferrets
for Dummies Book... I took the time to read it (Very Cute)... But it got
me thinking about those of us who care about things that cannot speak out
when they are in trouble... After reading about the Animals for Awareness
refuge... I found myself contemplating the way we not only relate to one
another but relate to animals and other humyns...
I know this is NOT totally Ferrety but again IT IS!
First of all I would like to tell a quick story about a fuzzy owned humyn I
met today... I live in the State College Area and spent the day at my first
"ferret mixer"... hehehe... it was sooo cool to see other ferrets and see a
WHOLE ferret (up close)... one that I KNEW was whole anyway... (sheesh, why
do people complain about the smell?  It was nuttin!!)  Mary put together a
really fun event and one of them was raffles of course... there was a HUDGE
basket full of stuff that, among about 5 million other things, had a "felix
the cat" toy in it... (something else that I have found exists in the
ferret world)  I LOVE Felix and when I saw him in the basket I made a
comment about how cool it was and told people around that I liked felix
so much that I have him tattooed on me... I DID NOT bid on that basket, a
young girl won the basket... somebody who had been present 2 hours earlier
when I was discussing how much I liked felix, anyhoo... once the raffles
were over I strolled over to look at her goodies that she was unpacking and
she promptly picked the Felix toy out of the basket and said, "you said you
liked felix, right?  Here, I want you to have this!"  I honestly almost
cried... this was a total stranger (and I'm really emotional) and there
she was perfoming this random act of kindness... I hung him over one of
my doors in my house and he will serve as a reminder that humanity and
kindness are not extinct and that often they are found when you are NOT
really looking for them.
Okay, part of the reason for the story is that I have noticed that people
who are able to not only care for but empathize with animals are much
kinder to people (who are also animals)... back to the "about the author
page"... I have also been seeing alot of OTHER cool stuff (similarity
kind of things) in the ferret world... Kims' Husband is an Addictions
Councelor... I have a Psych degree and for 3 years I worked for "The Centre
For missing and Exploited Children" Doing an Outreach program with Runaways
to help them KICK drug habits through referral systems and a program called
of all things..." Refuge "... I guess what I am saying in a LONG winded
kind of way is that ... it seems to me that "relating" to somebody may
often be more important than being "related" to somebody.  I love reading
the FML (skipping the mean posts)people are so supportive and
understanding, helpful... sheesh... even VETS & Shelter Moms (AND DADS)
take time out of their schedule to help answer important questions... OVER
AND OVER AND OVER AND... hehehe... I am soo thankful for my fuzzies... Just
look what they have given me... not only their love but... HOPE... when the
world seems like a dark uncaring place... Hope that things like that random
act of kindness from that young girl today are not only a solitary act but
a seed that grows ... When I open a door for somebody or offer a hand... I
would rather say..."pass it on" than "You're Welcome!" So in conclusion to
ANYONE out there that has helped me... If I havent ALREADY passed it ON...
I WILL!!  And Thanks, if I dint already say it!
Dooks Dance and Hope Eternal!
-Betty and the Seven Wonders of MY world!
Oh yeah...
Confuscious Say :  Ferrets HATE to have paint on their paws and often show
their contempt by sharing the paint with their humyns!  hehehee...
[Posted in FML issue 3207]