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Lynn Siegel <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 07:41:28 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
Dear FML folk,
It is happening again.  It is so sad.  Someone for their own reason is
having to give up their ferret.  They posted on this forum & are now
apparently getting flamed for it.  That is even sadder.
I pray that there will never be a day when I am forced to give up anyone,
but yes that day may come.  I cannot imagine how I would be able to get
through giving them up because it would take the heart right out of me &
frankly I wouldn't want to go without them.  But if it came down to what
was better for them or me, I would do what I believed to be better for
People that give up their ferrets for whatever reason, some post here.
What better place to do it?  Should they stick up a card on some bulletin
board, put an ad in the newspaper, where someone who doesn't know of
a ferret's needs will take them?  Maybe someone who doesn't know the
possibility of the ferret(s) going into a depression at being uprooted
out of their home, torn away from their family, doesn't know how to feed
them, take care of them?
Had it not been for the FML I wouldn't have known squat about ferrets.  I
wouldn't have known what to do when within 3 weeks of coming here George
needed emergency surgery to remove his spleen.  I wouldn't have known about
duck soup, I wouldn't have known about all of the different kinds of poop,
the best place to buy ferret food & other things ferrets need, (The Ferret
Store), how to nurse sick ferrets.  I wouldn't have known what was wrong
with Max when he & Sammy first came here & he possibly could have died
because he was depressed.  I wouldn't have known about so many things & am
still learning.  I would have had a much harder time with the loss of 4 of
my ferrets had it not been for all of the support I received during those
hard times.  Who better understands then all of you people?  Many times our
families & ferretless friends don't, but all of you do.
Why is it necessary to come down on someone that comes here to find a home
for their pet?  If you can't offer to take that pet, can't you just go on &
not flame that person with your own opinions?  Or if you can't offer some
other solution to their problem, can't you just pass it by?  What in the
heck is wrong with people that can find no understanding when someone has
such a problem?  If you feel like flaming me come on.  I don't care.  My
delete button works very well & I won't even waste my time reading flames,
much less responding to them.  Get a life!  Get some understanding in it.
Get some compassion in it.
Lynn & Clan War Weasels
[Posted in FML issue 3325]