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Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 13:43:38 -0500
text/plain (58 lines)
Tricia asked:
>Second...on all of this MF stuff...does anyone notice whether or not MF
>ferrets experience more health problems than ethically, privately bred,
Our MFs have for the most part been about the same in terms of longevity,
illnesses, etc..  The ones here over the 18 years who have come from some
other farms have had more medical problems than ones from most smaller
breeders or than MF.  The absolute WORST have been from backyard breeders
who are people who don't know what they are doing, don't follow lines,
don't cull lines, breed within families, breed handicaps, etc.  Actually,
it IS possible for responsible small breeders to have HEALTHIER lines IF
they follow lines (including those petted out), take their time, breed for
health and longevity, cull lines with problems, etc.  It CAN be done and
is one reason to ask which breeders follow lines and to get such data from
them.  A number have only recently begun to do this; hopefully, they will
keep it up and more will join them.
Meeteetse who recently passed away at age 8 was an MF; at the shelter we
saw several old MFs including two who were older than 'Teetse reached, one
a 9 and 1/2 year old.  Of course, for most lines that is an unusual age
though it can happen.  Our personal health, personality, and life-span
experiences with MFs have been good, though our longest lived ferret was
a retired breeder from a private place which retired her after a male bit
through one of her eyes while mating.  There are people on the genetics
List who are trying to find long-lived lines.
This is not to say that there are not things I'd like MF to change (tops on
list of wanted changes including older shipping ages and having vets doing
surgeries); would like all the farms to improve.  They sure all seem to
need to; there are worse than MF out there from what people have written
and partly what we have seen.  They aren't devils but they aren't angels,
either, and the entire group needs improvement.  Of course, private
breeders also need improvement when line histories aren't kept, culling
from breeding isn't done, ADV testing isn't done regularly, and those
"petted out" aren't followed at least for the most part, etc..  Good news
is that on the most recent USDA inspections of the MF facilities they have
changed with improvements to cage quality for ferret needs.  It's part of a
start and progress should be acknowledged to be fair.  Leigh has acquired
the most recent examinations and made the reports available on the web.  I
don't have that address handy so you'd have to ask another if you need it.
Anne wrote:
>All incoming shelter ferrets should pass a minimum seven to ten
>day quarantine, during which time they are tested for ADV and vaccinated
>if records haven't arrived with them, and observed for signs of illness.
>After clearing quarantine the shelter needs to see how they are socially
>with humans and other ferrets.  Only after they have a handle on the
>health and personality of the ferret should they be adopted out.
YES!!!!!!!!!  Exactly!
Ah, Steve did NOT put a name on the medical records so he's till
officially unnamed.  Now looking further afield than bears... When Steve
finds it he'll know it, or I'll get exasperated and insist that we take
one.  He is doing well, tail stub and all.
[Posted in FML issue 3251]