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Mon, 30 Apr 2001 17:27:38 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
>Bandit is urinating a lot, it seems like a 1/2 cup of water each time.
>I am feeding him babyfood and SD a/d because he doesn't eat on his own.
>He's also been on pred for about a month-2 months now,
Actually pred can cause increased urinary output within a couple of
days.  Prednisone results in the inhibition of action of a drug called
antidiuretic hormone, which results in the kidneys resorbing less water,
and more urine produced.
This particular action is reversible, and discontinuing or decreasing the
pred will result in a return to normal urine output.
Also, a blood chemistry will likely be normal in the case of
prednisone-related diuresis.  A blood screen will also tell you if it may
be related to a true kidney problem.
>Second, I recently noticed Bandit's breath is bad, don't know what this
>means-The vet checked out his mouth recently and thought all was O.K.-
>Any ideas on this??
Another good reason to check kidney function.
With kindest regards,
Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
Join the Ferret Health List at
[Posted in FML issue 3408]