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Sat, 27 Jan 2001 02:47:00 -0800
The Ferret Aid Society <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (41 lines)
It's been a long time hasn't it?  I'm sorry :o(  Things have just been so
crazy here since Saigon passed away on the 7th.  Mommie's computer crashed
and she had to reformat (whatever that means) and she's been VERY ill.
She's a bit better now.
Over the past few weeks, we've adopted out Sierra and Fritz and the 4
albino boys were sent in to be fixed.  Mommie almost lost Salem 3 times
and took it real hard each time.  Salem is hanging in, but misses Saigon
Last night, auntie Carla got the scare of her life!  I helped <grin>  She
wanted to do somethign nice to cheer up mommie so she gave me and Finnegan
a bath.  I took it well ( i love baths) but Fin wasn't so happy.  He
stopped using his back legs and slithered around the house.  Auntie Carla
almost had a stroke!  She thought she had injured Fin just by bathing him
LOLOL!  Then, once she figured out Fin was just ticked off she put us both
to bed.
Later on that evening, Auntie Lisa tried to wake me up for my evening run
but I was too tired.  auntie Car came running to my cage in shock thinking
she killed me by bathing me!  poor sweet & naive auntie Carla.  she still
has to learn about us ferrets and the tricks we play.
Grandma is doing much better and has started to eat on her own.  They told
her about the cancer spreading to her liver and she took it much better
than we expected.
sadly, Auntie Paige lost one of her foster kids, Dexter on Wednesday.  He
had tried to fight for so long :o(   the following night, we took in a
little girl who is sever adrenal.  We are going to try to do surgery for
I'm doing great and my trip to Guelph was successful.  I don't need to go
back, but I do need to continue with my Lupron shots.
Love always, Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society
[Posted in FML issue 3311]