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Wed, 24 Jan 2001 16:42:07 -0500
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Dr. Williams, thanks so much for your response about Jasper's bilateral
adrenal.  I went ahead and had a chem screen & electrolyte test done on
him.  I was almost positive it was going to come back that he needed the
percorten too.  Unfortunately that was not the case.  His electrolytes
came back fine.  His B.U.N level (blood urinia nitrogen(sp?) came back at
116!!  If I understood correctly a "high normal" level would be 45.  We
are thinking that since his prostate never fully went down between the
left adrenal surgery in August, and the right adrenal on Dec. 21st, that
there is possible kidney damage.  I was told to add a bit of salt to his
ducksoup/babyfood to encourage him to drink more to try and flush his
system.  I did get him to drink more but decided since he hadn't really
improved to take him in and have subq fluids administered.  (I also came
down with that flu like bug and didn't want him to catch it) They are
cautiously optomistic that we can get his level down.  I was wondering how
common this is, and if he might stand a good chance of getting through
this.  Can you do dialysis on a ferret?  He said if we could get it down
to the 50's he should be okay.  Jasper still gets little bouts of energy
and doesn't seem to me like he is telling me it will be his time to go
soon, so I am hoping for the best.  Again, thanks for any input on this.
~Amy~ & the 4
[Posted in FML issue 3308]