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Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:41:52 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi just wanted to let ya all know that Oscar the ferret is a stand up guy.
He promised to send my mom a donation to help with the shelter and he did!
his mom matched his winnings and we got a check for 100 dollars yesterday,
thanks Oscar, and thanks to your mommy too!
To Auntie Judy, my mom will be doing an adopthation sat at the Petco where
Auntie Erin works, she'll be there from noon to 3, but she always stays
later to talk about us ferrets, just can't shut her up sometimes!  she
can't wait to see you and Erin is happy too.
I know which little albino girl your talking about, could it be the famous
Robin??  Hehe
My mom will probably bring her so you can give her a big kiss.  Robin has
got fat, but don't tell her I said that, she'll kick my old butt all over
this shelter, but she looks real good, mom doesn't have to worry about her
so much anymore, which is good cause so many other sick ferrets have been
comming in, and she has to take real xtra care of Drag right now, he's a
demanding one ya know.
Well wouldn't ya know it, my mom has to go rescue a ferret that someone
left in a cage on another humans doorstep.  how crazy is that.  And we were
having fun with her and giving her lots of kisses today, wheile she was
trying to sleep.  Well Chyna Monkey, the brat bites here toes.  I told her
kisses only cause its mom's b-day but she doesn't listen to me.
Well take care,
Head ferret
24 carat ferret rescue and shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3307]