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Mon, 22 Jan 2001 10:33:39 -0500
Kristeen Kohrs <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
We all judge people by how they look.  Its human nature - I happen to
look younger than I am - sounds good right?  Wrong - I am constantly
disrespected in business situations because folks think I am too young.
I fight the same battle Kim does, but for different reasons.  I get sent
out on sales calls with older men (who are morons) so the customer can ask
questions to the old man and I can answer.  (I do a great ventriloquist
act).  It used to really bum me out - but now that I've matured I realize
that everyone has to live with their hang-ups and I know what I know and
so do my peers and my boss.  So, who cares?  The ferrets are psyched that
I don't even look old enough to be their mom ;-)
As Kim said - let's hear the complaints.  I doubt that anyone that spent
any time with Kim adopting or volunteering would still have anything bad
to say.
You can usually tell a lot a person by their statements and actions in an
informal situation.  I was at a show once and a ferret from an Ohio rescue
group took a liking to me.  One of my friends said - "you should adopt her,
she really likes you".  I said "I can't Kim will kill me".  Later in the
day we were walking with Kim who was showing one of her guys.  I relayed
the earlier conversation and without missing a beat she said "Ofcourse not,
all ferrets need good homes".  Sounds pretty selfless to me.  I wouldn't
even blame a shelter operator to expect that their volunteers would adopt
ferrets only from them.  Not Kim.  I think that's what we all have to
remember.  "All ferrets need good homes' - Kim provides a great temporary
home for these guys and makes sure that they go to good permanent homes.
If you have any doubts, go see --- clean some cages while you are there....
Kristeen, JT,
Katie, Matt,
Al & Stanley
[Posted in FML issue 3306]