I and some other wonderful people have been trying to get the TJ ferrets
website taken down http://www.tjferrets.com this is the "shelter" that
the 102 ferrets came from over Xmas in NJ.
My Friend has been on the phone to the hosting company of TJ Ferrets, we
have to send emails to abuse@WEB2010 or [log in to unmask] explaining
the site and how it is offending so many people.
Please either email abuse@WEB2010 or [log in to unmask] with a copy of
your request to have the site removed or forward it to me and I will email
a bunch of them together.
Please pass this on and get as many people as possible to send emails
asking for the removal of this website.
By working on this together we can send the message that ferret abuse will
not be tolerated
(I volunteer @ Kista)
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3300]