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Thu, 11 Jan 2001 19:49:57 -0500
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
We just visited Scooter in the hospital.  The fur ball was the size of a
slightly small-handed man's pinkie, and it was dry in the middle.  He'd
cut it and probed around a lot, though, so the form was completely gone
and it was pancaked.  Scooter has a thing for grooming everyone and can be
found doing that every day.  What we'll do after he gets home is to try to
adjust him to some furball meds each day, given this problem; if he doesn't
adjust well he might also need a purse-string to prevent more prolapses
while allowing the medication.
Anyway, Tooty was really out of it when we arrived but he had to be moved
because of where he'd fallen asleep and then first he paniced, but then he
realized we were there and despite the IV he dashed to try to get into our
arms.  The cage had to be closed.  He then begged for treat!  Obviously,
he can't have one, but talk about a good sign.
He looks VERY good; amazingly so for the level of surgery he had.
He might be well enough to come home tomorrow, but Saturday is more likely
Bear names: I while back I was looking for bear-related names for a ferret
and I figured that someone might be able to use what was sent to me on that
Adalbero, Auberon, Oberon, Beornheard, Bernard, Bernt, Bjorn, Dov, Everard,
Orson, Orsen, Ursinus, Barney, Barrett, Berenger, Bern, Ursa, Bernadette,
Berny, Byron, Dov, Enyeto, Espen, Mahon, Nardo, Nita, Ursula, Thanos,
Huslu, Kuma, Vernados, Urs, Urso, Urson, Ursuelo, Ursul, Ursid (Sid for
short), Maskwa, Mato, Hu Nonp, Suku, Wacabe, Kodiak, Griz, Ben (as in
Gentle...), Teddy, Theo, Boo-boo, and Yogi.
Sukie (Who just fell off her chair upon hearing a quote of a friend, Norm
Schryer, whose comment about a bad corporate acquision was that it was a
" 'Turd-filled Twinkie': looks good at distance but when you bite into it
you get a surprise".  I need sleep.  Oh, and about the word absolhilarious
having it's empahsis where you don't expect it: when creating a word
a person can follow the only rule that is present in _Form, Fun, and
Function, a book for ferret interior designers_: "Put the accent wherever
you want!"
[Posted in FML issue 3295]