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Mon, 8 Jan 2001 18:50:52 -0800
Sandi Ackerman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
>From:    FurTulsa <[log in to unmask]>
>So legally/morally.... where do our obligations lay?
Here in King County of Washington state, animals are considered abandoned
after 3 days!  We've had one situation where animal control took in a
ferret, kept her for the three day stray hold and then turned her over to
us.  Two weeks later the owner contacted animal control, animal control
told them to contact us.  Animal Control told us that after 3 days stray
hold, the owner would have to pay boarding fees to get their animal back
from their facility.  We could have lied and said she'd been adopted, but
opted for taking the gamble, so we told the owner that they owed us for
two weeks boarding ($60 x 2) when they came to pick up their ferret, and
that was the last we heard from them.
>Are we obligated to attempt to physically contact him?
If an animal we are boarding is abandoned (does happen) we send a
registered, return receipt letter to the last known address of the person.
When that letter is returned, you have legal proof that you attempted to
contact the person.
Legally?  Find out what the laws are in your area and go from there.
Morally?  You already know the answer to that one. :-)
Best Little Rabbit, Rodent & Ferret House
House Rabbit Society
a non-profit animal shelter
14325 Lake City Way NE
Seattle, WA 98125
or visit our on-line store at: http://www.rabbitrodentferret.org
[Posted in FML issue 3292]